Sophisticated tools and mindsets are necessary AND insufficient to meet the challenge of leading WITH others in uncertain times.
Our institutions and organisations need access to a deeper leadership wisdom - one that arises when leaders of change are willing to challenge core assumptions about themselves, others and the systems they participate in.
Transition Leadership Coaching offers individualised transformation journeys by focusing on those essential capacities for leading wisely amidst a world in transition.

Patterns of Reinvention
Decades of observing the development journeys of high impact leaders led research-practitioners, Dana Carman Joseph Friedman, and Susanna Carman, to co-create Patterns of Reinvention, a transition framework that reflects the dynamics of human transformation.
Patterns of Reinvention is informed by Theory-U, Participatory Action Research, Adult Development Theory, Embodiment Theory & Human Centred Design to guide the Transition Leadership Coaching journey through 6 phases:
RECKONING - a 'deep dive' into current life context and career arc, from both an 'outside in' and 'inside out' perspective
REMEMBERING - a surfacing of undigested and unintegrated psychological material that occludes capacity to live in the moment from a place of curiosity and care
RESONATING - a ‘lying fallow’ that gives space to palpable stillness in which compassionate presence is available
REIMAGINING - a welcoming of creative forces that integrates past habits of mind and behaviour with emerging ways of being and doing
REINVENTING - a testing through experimentation that transforms deep insight into pragmatic action
REALIGNING - an aligning of the structures and patterns of the emerging self in current day and into the future
Across each phase, leaders explore their relationship with collaboration, critical feedback, and power - the three capacities identified by Emeritus Professor, William Torbert, as essential for adaptive leadership amidst increasingly complex conditions.​
Coaching Methodology
The Transition Leadership Coaching methodology offers leaders safe AND brave space in which valuable insight into their own patterns of thinking and action are revealed.
“How are my behaviours and mindset enabling AND constraining my ability to fulfil my intended developmental objectives in both personal and professional leadership contexts?”
"How can I release locked energy associated with hidden, core assumptions that separate me from being my most creative and adaptive self?"
Susanna works with each leader to explore these questions, along with undigested psychological material that shapes identity structure and corresponding habitual behaviours in order to improve self-awareness, deepen reflection, and unlock a wider capacity for successfully dealing with the complexity of this world.
Coaching programs are offered via bespoke combinations of 90-minute assessment debriefs and blocks of 4, 60-minute sessions depending on the strengths and areas of stretch that will support leaders to achieve their goals.
The coaching methodology is trans-disciplinary, drawing from:
Feedback Assessment Tools (e.g. Leadership Circle Profile, Shifting Horizons, Enneagram, etc.)
person-centred, strengths-based, ontological, developmental, transpersonal, artistic, somatic, Jungian and nature informed approaches